Longtail keyword post: what is the best style of writing for a blog post

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This is another post in a series I’m creating based on long-tail keywords. Or more specifically, the questions that come up as “snippets” when I type “content writer” into Google. I wrote a previous post on “how to become a content writer in Canada” and “how to get good at content writing.” Now, we turn to the best style of writing for a blog post:

Think niche and audience always

The best style of writing for a blog post is the style that suits both your goal and the niche you are writing for. So there isn’t one answer to this question, because it depends on your audience.

But blog posts do have more in common than different. Generally, they are less formal and structured than other longform writing. They may have opinions or research built in. They are often focused on a single topic. These days, writers often incorporate subheads to help the writer move through the work, and include at least one photo.

A brief history

A bit of history may help in defining the blog form. It makes me feel old (“experienced”) to say that I can be the historical memory for this form, but I actually recall the evolution of blog posts throughout my career. As the form originated in the 2000s (when I too was originating as a writer), suddenly my assignments that were similar to articles were called blog posts.

Later the rise of mommy bloggers and travel bloggers influenced the form to take on a tone that was even less formal. They were even a bit confessional at times, as people shared their lived experiences for the benefit of a growing readership. Blog posts have also expanded and contracted in terms of length. Starting out medium around 500-700 words, they expanded at one point to 1000+ words. Now they’re back down again to around 600-800 words.

A range of styles based on need

Today I think the form has settled into a range. While some blog posts are well researched and informative on a topic, others can be more opinion based. For a small business or tech company, their purpose might be to explain or educate the reader in an informal way about an important topic in that field. For an influencer, the post might be a way to share an opinion about a topic. To me the best posts have a friendly and informative tone and are still focused on a single topic.

I also share these blog posts on LinkedIn – visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/sbowness/ to connect with me there. Or hire me to write blog posts for you!

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