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Longtail keyword post: how to create thought leadership content

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This is the last in a handful of posts that I’m creating based on long-tail keywords, or more specifically, the questions that come up as “snippets” when I type “content writer” into Google. I saw this one a few snippets down in my content writing search, but since this content is something I write regularly I thought I’d jump in here too.

Benefits of thought leadership content

Creating thought leadership content can be great for your profile and organization. Thought leadership helps to share your expertise and authority with your industry. Your contributions also push your field forward as they are the results of your reading and experience with the topic.

Getting started with your TL

To get started, think about a handful of areas that you can write about with confidence in your industry. Say brainstorm 10 and then choose the top three or four.

For example, if I think of my top three thought leadership areas, they might be freelancing or running a business, content creation which is what I do in my business and teaching writing because that’s another sideline.

Then within those content areas, think about specific topics you could write about. Again, try to come up with 10 and then pick the best. To continue my example, if I thought about what thought leadership I could contribute around freelancing or business ownership, I might come up with how to create relationships with clients, find allies within your writing community, and seek out continuing education around business building.

Then write!

Then go and write your posts in whatever medium (LinkedIn posts, blog posts, Instagram) you choose. Edit and repeat.

I also share these blog posts on LinkedIn – visit to connect with me there. Or hire me to write blog posts for you!

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