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Thought leadership on big picture topics

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What are the big topics in your industry? As a writer, the clear winner for 2023 was AI.

At first, I was hesitant to write about it, firstly because I felt the need to experiment with it myself in order to have anything meaningful to say. Second because I wanted to read what the quicker adopters would say. Eventually, I realized it was my turn to talk about the big picture topic in my industry. I might even look a bit behind the times if I didn’t contribute.

What are the big picture topics in your industry?

If they’re emerging topics like AI, you’ll want to keep an eye on them and see how the discussions evolve. Then contribute. But there are issues that have always been fundamental to various industries.

For example, in writing, the move towards accessibility and plain language. Or the growth of certain content platforms or ways of communicating (the increased importance of images or decrease in word counts).

Whichever topics come up over and over in your industry, you’re likely to have an opinion on them, if only through encountering them so regularly. Not only does your reading provide fodder for content, but can also be a way to express your leadership within your industry when you quote or share the latest developments.

A great focus the next time you’re looking to develop thought leadership content is to brainstorm 2 to 5 topics, choose your favourites, and then start writing.


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