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Repurposing with purpose

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Repurposing content is one of my favourite ways to make a budget stretch further. When I do a content audit for myself or a client, I’m always attentive to what we already have that we can make new through another channel.

Update the existing content where possible

The extent of updating might depend on the channel. Sometimes it may involve changing the verb tenses or updating the time frame. If it feels too similar or you posted the original recently and it’s longer form like a blog post, you might revise the same post based on a new anecdote from the interviewee, or swap out the type of expert you spoke with for another.

Swap channels

Could your content gain a new audience through a different platform? What if you turned your LinkedIn post into a series of tweets? Reinterpreted your blog as a slideshow? Key to each of these is to make sure the new form still fits the old subject matter (a slideshow isn’t going to work if the topic isn’t very visual). You’ll also want to rewrite the text to fit the tone and length typical for the new platform.

Know what to dump

Three years or even one year can be a long time depending on what has gone on in the world (a pandemic reminds us of that) so when content has reached the end of its usefulness, let it go! Coverage of past events, trend posts and opinion pieces on issues that have since been resolved are all in that category. Great excuse to start working on some new pieces and start the cycle again.”

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